Thursday, January 29, 2009


Throughout this semester the technologies implemented in this class has been very helpful. One reason it has been helpful is that I'm a faster typer than I am at free hand writing. I can probably typed at least two times faster than I can type. So this opportunity in your class has given me a chance to get my homework done faster and definitely more efficient. Also, it has given me a chance to take a look at new technologies such as google docs that could potentially help me in other classes. For instance if I had to write a paper for my psychology class and it needed to be peer edited, I could easily find someone from my English class and they could revise my paper over the Internet. It is a very efficient way to revise papers and get my work done faster. Another way technology has helped me is through the wiki spaces. The wiki spaces has opened my eyes to a new way to collaborate ideas and get homework. Through wiki spaces I am able to talk to my teachers and receive my homework if left at school. I only have two teachers, you and Mrs. Erickson, who faithfully use wiki spaces but it does significantly help. A lot of the time i left work sheets for psychology at home and was reluctant to find them on her wiki space for me to print. So over the course of the semester this technology implementation has significantly helped me in school.

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